Sunday, January 6, 2008


Sonnet :(inspired by ‘you know your right’)
She hates the way I say her name,
Dancing around my affections,
Drowning me in her picture frame,
Chocking out deep inflections,
She just wants to love herself,
I just want to learn to dream,
She makes me forget myself,
Burying me again in dream,
She takes away all the pain,
I forget what it means to be
Making me want it back again,
I like the sea,
She likes the sky,
But it never rains .

For an Anna

Anna is that,
simple joy,
you get from eating ,
a ripe banana ,
sweet and yellow,
mellow ,

Burst of Creativity

Lines of prose running away from my pen,
I'm jealous , whats your name?
random burst of spontaneous creativity,
a poem it is not,
phone rings,
I'm disturbed,
this is the last line,
I forget ,
I forgot .

Flowers and Feelings

Flowers beauty and feelings,
are such things ,
transient :- not lasting long,
burning for a brief moment,
ultra violet flame ,
then falling into oblivion.

If you see a flower that you desire,
quickly pluck it ,
and steal its fire,
by tomorrow it could be gone ,
and , even if you take it today,
remember , fire burns out,
beauty doesn't' last,
ultra violet petals fade ,
to grey , pale purple,
yellows dull,
reds die,
ay! My flower Is falling .

I actually set a rose on fire
I cut a rose from her stem,
and left her on my table,

For a few days

Her red withered to brown,

But she kept all her petals .

I lit a candle,
and gave her back her fire,

Burning reds,

Consuming yellow,

And bluish immolation,

Consuming each delicate petal

Till all turned to black

And she crumbled .

Its better to burn out than to fade out

And that’s an eternal truth

Writing during chemistry.. chemistry allusions

My lady’s made of stardust ,

Fallen from the sky,

She’s the stuff of diamonds,

Lustrous sparkle in her eye ,
Sea salt sweeten her skin,

Chocalatey vanillin,
metal red of
mother earth,
marks the spot of her birth .

Dignity (written for a competition)

That Deified
most belied of words
my esteem for me is what matters .

Dignity :

its Intrinsic : Something you are born with
not a Deified lie to worship

like popularity , or money .
money buys friends and stuff to keep you high
but not respect for the singular I (yourself)

Dignity :
has no price ; its free,
as long as you learn to love yourself
you're valuable

(cause regular rhyme can get cheesy , and I'm lactose intolerant , i use free verse)

This is free verse
I use it to explain
Things so that
Anyone can understand
onto the topic at hand :

Some say Dignity
is a God given
Since all men (and women)
are created equal
we all have it :
the ability to be

That's why I s
Deified : we're all

made with a touch
of Divinity
is realising
that fact

This means that
a prostitute is as
dignified as
the President ( Pope , Prime Minister , or other P word)
while circumstance
dictates how everyone
treats you
it doesn't mean
a prostitute (or other pariah)
can't have

So in Conclusion
Dignity is
Intrinsic ( you're born with it)
as long as
you can have
Self Respect
Self love
Self esteem
(and all that stuff)
you can realise
your Self worth
your dignity .

Lines written during chemistry..
falling on love.

Love doesn't' fall,
it hangs
on that wall,
in the back of our minds,
its easy to find if your looking,
cobwebby and musty ,
but still lovely

love is to be fallen upon,
and fallen into,
such a heavy thing,
falling on anyone,
would hurt!

For a sixteenth Birthday

sixteen times i'v ran out of rhymes,
But the love keeps on giving,
So i'm giving you something true,
what you mean to me


My beautiful prose,
cannot give justice,
to a rose,
in her blushing bloom.

I have not ,
the dewy perspiration,
to pen a single sonnet,
but her beauty be,
divine inspiration.
Enough ,
to wipe me blank.


Butterfly ,
flittering ,
dying .

Why does she have to die?

Why can’t beauty fly,
for all eternity ?

truth be told ,
all must die.

in dying,
others get room to fly,
and a few of us,
might achieve,
immortality .

(this poem was published in TSP's december edition 2007 , meant to be understood by a 12 year old , don't like it much myself but putting it up due to good reception )


We'r separated by a gulf of self righteous lies,
Whenever you don't want to talk ,your battery dies,
Perish the trust in our eyes,

All that's left is conciet,
As far as the sky is over the earth,
the two that never will meet ,
So we together lie, in a bed of thorny deceit,
We wait for the rain, For the sky to shower,
his affections upon his bride ,
and her to be fruitful , to loose her thorns,
Blossom once again,
and stay at his side .

Bottles break upon my roof at night,
thrown by angry, piss eyed addicts ,
high on insecurities .
My yard is full of shattered glass,
nobody plays upon my grass .


You'd think for once,
a life without problems,
would make me happy,
happy but not happy enough,
Just a mellow mess of mediocrity,
nothing nagging away at my mind,
nothing to keep me up at night,
Just a sickly mellow .

The truth is ,
life without problems,
is a four lettered word,
and your' better off cursed ,
in any other way.

Throw away your salt,
your sugar and your spices,
your life is bland ,
no flavour ,
Just that sickly mellow.

poem: for the girl I have yet to meet
Your eyes like the peace of night,
So dark , yet so bright,
Your hair a silk,
of which I would make my bed,
your hands so delicate,
I wish to hold them,
all night.

Smelter : written in 2 minutes for some girls CS ia.

Smelt this

Cut down my mango tree,
Take my land away from me,
Put me in a 'mixed community',
So your pocket will fill with money.

You can't eat foil,
But it can eat you,
Take a way your home,
Poison your children,
Forget about me,
Keep your foil.

Bring me a day,
When the sun rises,
And i can greet it ,
With hope,
Not regret.

Chocolate sprinkles

Did I eat?
I'm a donut ,
With chocolate,
In sprinkles ,
And icing ,
I'm a fever,
That passes from person ,
To person,
That everyone gets over,
I'm the feelings,
You don't have words for,
I'm the self expression,
You always wanted,
And always have,
I'm the question ,
With no answer,
Just an end,
After you forget,
After you,
Walk out.

Sonnet :(inspired by ‘you know your right’)
She hates the way I say her name,
Dancing around my affections,
Drowning me in her picture frame,
Chocking out deep inflections,
She just wants to love herself,
I just want to learn to dream,
She makes me forget myself,
Burying me again in cream,
She takes away all the pain,
I forget what it means to be
Making me want it back again,
I like the sea,
She likes the sky,
But it never rains .

Pollution rants
Father sky upon his seat,
in his orb of air,
Looks down on Mother Earth,
and her aged sphere,
cracked and beaten is she,
without mortal care.

Every year , I see the mountains more bare,
More naked,
Sun beats down upon its bare skin,
Making it browner than it has been,
Tanning out the richness of green.

We wait for the rains to come again,
To wash away our naked disdain,
But there will always be that,
Ever brown stain ,
That overflows into the roads ,
Browning out the streets .

Hope ,
That luminous beacon,
Ever shining on the horizon,
Ever distant,
But the would be pilgrim trudges on,
Towards the city of god, paradise ,
Or whatever sugary figment of mind's allusion ,
Beckons , like ripe fruit .
Riper yet the promise of hope,
With each passing moment,
Despair would rot sweetness ,
Till sweet make sickly,
But in the core ,
Seeds of hope remain,
Ready to spring anew

Bliss is the child of ignorance ,
One cannot be blissful ,
And perceive the depth of reality,
Without choking ,
On the stench of the truth .
The flower of truth ,
Gives the bittersweet scent ,
That perfumes the death of the faithful ,
But its thorns prick the fingers,
And incarnadine the world ,
With the blood of its victims .

Her touch
The feeling of soft sheets upon my bare skin,
Reminds me of her touch,
Gentle and tender .
The whispering of the wind in the Trees ,
Echoes her voice ,
As soothing as silence .
Her Laughter,
Sweet and melodious ,
As a running stream .
Her flowing form ,
Daubs the cheek of beauty red .
Jealousy envies the supple brush ,
And deeper crimson ,
That did paint this lustrous image .
I too luster at perfection ,
Wishing that I , poor I ,
Would be blessed

Man is a hunter,
Trying to catch,
The ever fleeing moment,
Time slips through his fingers ,
As if he tried to grasp,
A shaft of light

Friday seems an eternity away,
But it was only yesterday,
Saturday comes ,
To throw you,
Into Sunday's open arms ,
But when you awake ,
Monday's blinding sun offends the eye,
Leading the way to a new week ,
Of bondage .

Prose upon politics, in verse
The night steals in,
and sleep embezzles our time
by giving us foolish dreams ,
in exchange for half our lives.

Ere midnight comes ,
the robber strikes ,
timeliness would call him ,
''midnight-robber'' ,
but he also steals from us at midday.

His coat embelished ,
with the sharp, blood trimmed flower ,
and the crimson dying sun ,
like metaphors for our present and future ,
blood upon blood .

He carries a silver dagger ,
and a blind club ,
but needs only his tongue,
and our stupidity .

The promise he makes ,
is of a vision,
of a golden future,
of prosperity ,
but he takes our ebony,
and builds himself a palace ,
in our garden.

Nothing is free,

Especially not time,

Every second steals your life away,

Never to bring it back .

The only justice is ,

That sometimes,

Time comes cheaply,

Hours fly by,

And life is made ,

A little more valuable,

And the thief,

A little less sinister.

If you are awake,

I'm thinking of you,

If you aren't ,

I hope your dreaming of me,

Or at least at peace .

Pay me attention
Pay me attention !

Just a look in my direction,

just so that I could see,

The color of your eyes,

And know if ,

It matches how I feel,

When you look,

Elsewhere .

You needn't pay me ,

If I could buy it ,

With clumsy words

And a crooked smile,

But I fear you've sold all

To someone else,

I fear having to wait ,

In that long , dreaded line,

Only to be turned away

Poem :- To a friend, a brother , a mother
In you I lost myself,

I had failed my eyes,

But you gave me reason to see.

You spoke,

And my tongue pronounced a litany in reply.

I sought death in sleep,

And you trod upon my waking

And helped me to dream again.

The August air
The gentle whisperings that float through the summer air,

Infect your senses with a new symptom ,

Of coming hope ,

The promise of freedom ,

The appeal of life ,

Flowing out just for you .

Warm , Dry sweetness wafts you away ,

To the land where cares are left behind ,

That transient place for four fortnight lives ,

Only to bring you happiness .

Fishes in dishes ,

Make wishes ,

Do you wish ,

To be a fish

In a dish

With my wish?

Is a bowl a dish?

Ask the fish!

Pain cannot be touched ,

yet it touches us all,

it is bitter ,

yet lacks flavour...

it cannot be seen ,

but we see it everywhere ,

as intangible as it is ,

its more real than anything else .

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